Aug 25, 2023

Copy Writing and AI, Is it Worth it?

Should You Use AI To Write Ads?

Like most complicated questions there is definitely a fuzzy gray area within the answer. Here at Cordelia Labs, we feel like this is becoming a conversation everyone is either trying to avoid or anxiously answering what is really happening. There are so many facets of thought on this one. Insert thought bubble here – If we use AI are we not being authentic? Isn‘t using one of the many tools going to save us time? Is AI just a shiny new object and could it disappear? Or worse, am I falling behind the AI trend?

Our team is kind of in the middle of the debate. We love to save time and be efficient, but are we not being authentic to ourselves and our Brands if we only use AI? Our philosophy is simple, maybe too simple, but we do use some types of AI to help facilitate the first step. It helps generate ideas, scripts, headlines, etc that we may not have thought of at first glance. But, like all tools, you need to sprinkle in your own authentic self. In this case, voice and tone. If you are using it to just write everything for you and then not revising it, then we think you are not being authentic to the process.

Is There a Benefit to Using AI?

In today’s digital age, all businesses are constantly looking for ways to streamline their processes and increase efficiency especially in various aspects of marketing, including the creation of ad copy.

As mentioned above, there are some benefits and drawbacks of using AI. We’re hoping this helps you to make an informed decision for your business.

Advantages of using AI

  1. Faster
  2. On-going optimization
  3. Nixes out the human bias

Since using AI saves time, why wouldn’t we use it to our advantage. AI can generate ad copy at a much faster pace than any human. It analyzes large amounts of data to identify patterns and create personalized. The ads then come out more targeted based on real customer preferences and behavior. And as we all know, the more customized an ad is, the more level of personalization leads to higher conversion rates and increased ROAS.

Additionally, AI is continuously optimizing ad copy based on real-time data. This allows for quick adjustments and improvements based on an informed decision. It analyzes the ad performance metrics, such as click-through rates and whatever conversion rates are set and then makes data-driven decisions to enhance ad effectiveness. This iterative process results in more impactful ad campaigns.

Lastly, AI-powered ad copywriting can help overcome human biases. AI algorithms are not influenced by personal opinions or emotions, ensuring that the ad copy remains objective and unbiased. This can be particularly beneficial when targeting diverse audiences or addressing sensitive topics.

Disadvantages of using AI

Like all tools, as many advantages it has there are some drawbacks to using something so powerful. Weighing the pros and cons are always essential, but there is also the ability to test AI prior to making it the main part of how you do your ads.

  1. Lack your brands voice and tone
  2. May not pick up on new audience types

While AI can generate ad copy quickly, it may lack the creativity and emotional intelligence that humans possess. Ad copy then looks too robotic or lacks a human touch which then may fail to resonate with consumers. As previously mentioned, ad copy has to have a personalized connection to or you will see lower engagement and conversion rates. It is important to strike a balance between the efficiency of AI and the creativity of human copywriters to create compelling ads.

Another concern is the ethical implications of AI-generated ad copy. AI algorithms learn from existing data, which means they can inadvertently perpetuate biases or stereotypes present in the data. AI doesn’t understand discrimination or being offensive. It’s not human. The AI tool is only as good as someone being able to decipher the language and double checking that what is being put out into the ad world is acceptable.

All this means is that it is crucial to monitor and review ANY AI-generated ad copy to ensure it aligns with your brand values and does not inadvertently promote discriminatory or offensive content.

Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

With one of the best quotes from an early 2000 movie, “The Girl Next Door”, is the risk of using AI worth it? We think so. Using AI to write ads does offer significant benefits, such as increased efficiency, personalization, and optimization. But, you need to add in the human element to it. If you do not, then you will have a lack of creativity and authenticity. And then, it’s not worth it.

Ultimately, the decision to use AI in ad copywriting should be based on your specific business needs and goals. We still are trying to find the right balance between AI and human input.

AI is Not Going Anywhere.

Like most new tools, we are still trying to decipher the best use case as well as the benefit to us and our clients. Like any good lab, we are all about creating a process and testing. Currently, we are using AI with a human to add in the flair. We are testing to make sure we are seeing the results for our clients. We can be doing the same for your brands as well. Contact us today to find out how we can help.